
useNuxtData gives you access to the current cached value of useAsyncData, useLazyAsyncData, useFetch and useLazyFetch with explicitly provided key.

This feature is not released yet. You can beta test using Edge Channel.


useNuxtData<DataT = any> (key: string): { data: Ref<DataT | null> }


Show stale data while fetching in the background

The example below shows how you can use cached data as a placeholder while the most recent data is being fetched from the server.

// We can access same data later using 'posts' keyconst { data } = await useFetch('/api/posts', { key: 'posts' })
// Access to the cached value of useFetch in archive.vueconst { data: posts } = useNuxtData('posts')const { data } = await useFetch(`/api/posts/${postId}`, {  key: `post-${postId}`,  default: () => {    // Find the individual post from the cache and set it as the default value.    return posts.value.find(post => === postId)  }})

Optimistic Updates

We can leverage the cache to update the UI after a mutation, while the data is being invalidated in the background.

// We can access same data later using 'todos' keyconst { data } = await useFetch('/api/todos', { key: 'todos' })
const newTodo = ref('')const previousTodos = ref([])// Access to the cached value of useFetch in todos.vueconst { data: todos } = useNuxtData('todos')const { data } = await useFetch('/api/addTodo', {  key: 'addTodo',  method: 'post',  body: {    todo: newTodo.value  },  onRequest () {    previousTodos.value = todos.value // Store the previously cached value to restore if fetch fails.    todos.value.push(newTodo.value) // Optimistically update the todos.  },  onRequestError () {    todos.value = previousTodos.value // Rollback the data if the request failed.  },  async onResponse () {    await refreshNuxtData('todos') // Invalidate todos in the background if the request succeeded.  }})