Nuxt Docs

Nuxt is an open-source framework under MIT license for building modern and performant web applications that can be deployed on any platform running JavaScript.

Getting Started

Start by learning Nuxt core features, from installation to deployment.


From an idea to a masterpiece, guides take you on the path to becoming a Nuxter.

  • Key Concepts

    Get an overview of the concepts that drive the Nuxt experience.

  • Directory Structure

    Navigate Nuxt directory structure with this handy guide.

  • Going further

    Deep dive into Nuxt internals to master all the features.


Every Nuxt components, composables and utilities, in details.

  • Composables

    From data fetching to error handling, get familiar with Nuxt built-in composables.

  • Components

    Nuxt components, auto-imported and ready to use in your application.

  • Utils

    Use utility functions to get fine-grained control over your app behavior.

  • Advanced

    Learn about lifecycle hooks and Kit utilities in the advanced section.

  • Commands

    Meet Nuxi, Nuxt 3 command-line tool. The essential companion in your journey.

  • Configuration

    Master the Nuxt config file to customize the framework behavior.