
Nuxt provides the useHead composable to add and customize the head properties of individual pages of your Nuxt app.

useHead is powered by @vueuse/head, you can find more in-depth documentation here


useHead(meta: MaybeComputedRef<MetaObject>): void

Below are the non-reactive types for useHead. See zhead for more detailed types.

interface MetaObject {  title?: string  titleTemplate?: string | ((title?: string) => string)  base?: Base  link?: Link[]  meta?: Meta[]  style?: Style[]  script?: Script[]  noscript?: Noscript[]  htmlAttrs?: HtmlAttributes  bodyAttrs?: BodyAttributes}
The properties of useHead can be dynamic, accepting ref, computed and reactive properties. meta parameter can also accept a function returning an object to make the entire object reactive.



Type: MetaObject

An object accepting the following head metadata:

  • meta
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <meta> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • link
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <link> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • style
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <style> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • script
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <script> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • noscript
    Type: Array<Record<string, any>>
    Each element in the array is mapped to a newly-created <noscript> tag, where object properties are mapped to the corresponding attributes.
  • titleTemplate
    Type: string | ((title: string) => string)
    Configures dynamic template to customize the page title on an individual page.
  • title
    Type: string
    Sets static page title on an individual page.
  • bodyAttrs
    Type: Record<string, any>
    Sets attributes of the <body> tag. Each object property is mapped to the corresponding attribute.
  • htmlAttrs
    Type: Record<string, any>
    Sets attributes of the <html> tag. Each object property is mapped to the corresponding attribute.