App Config File

Nuxt 3 provides an app.config config file to expose reactive configuration within your application with the ability to update it at runtime within lifecycle or using a nuxt plugin and editing it with HMR (hot-module-replacement).

You can easily provide runtime app configuration using app.config.ts file. It can have either of .ts, .js, or .mjs extensions.

export default defineAppConfig({  foo: 'bar'})
Do not put any secret values inside app.config file. It is exposed to the user client bundle.

Defining App Config

To expose config and environment variables to the rest of your app, you will need to define configuration in app.config file.


export default defineAppConfig({  theme: {    primaryColor: '#ababab'  }})

When adding theme to the app.config, Nuxt uses Vite or webpack to bundle the code. We can universally access theme in both server and browser using useAppConfig composable.

const appConfig = useAppConfig()console.log(appConfig.theme)

Manually Typing App Config

Nuxt tries to automatically generate a typescript interface from provided app config.

It is also possible to type app config manually:

declare module '@nuxt/schema' {  interface AppConfigInput {    /** Theme configuration */    theme?: {      /** Primary app color */      primaryColor?: string    }  }}// It is always important to ensure you import/export something when augmenting a typeexport {}